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Skin Tightening Package

3D-Body RF penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue and the extra cellular matrix where the collagen fibres are embedded. The local heating of the area being treated causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibres, and at the same time increases the metabolism of the fibroblastin order to accelerate production of new collagen fibres and elastin fibres to create a smoother, healthier and younger looking skin.


How it works...

3D-Body Radio Frequency technology is a fantastic treatment for both skin tightening and cellulite reduction. The 3D-Body RF energy selectively increases the temperature of the fat cells, by doing so simultaneously in deep and superficial layers of fat. This increases the metabolism and release of liquid fat from fat cells.


Normal cells can support 60 degrees but fat cells start to be melted at 41 degrees. After the treatment and release of liquid fat, the fat cells shrink in size, and skin is restored closer to its original form, reducing or eliminating the appearance of cellulite.


Here at You & Improved, we layer multiple technologies such as Radio Frequency and Shockwave therapy to enhance and accelerate results.


We also highly recommend using the Body Ballancer to aid results, this is on offer at reduced rate when having this package.

Frequently Asked Questions;

What Should I Expect During the Treatment?

First of all, an ultrasound gel will be placed onto the skin, this acts as a conductor for the 3D-Body RF energy. A handpiece with metal probes will be placed onto the skin and moved in gentle circular motions around the skin. The handpiece will get warmer and warmer, building heat until it reaches 40 degrees. Your therapist will use an infrared thermometer to measure the heat of the skin. Once temperature has built up to 40 degrees, your therapist will continue to maintain the heat, continuing treatment on the area for 2 – 4 minutes, before moving onto the next area.

How many treatments will I need?

We typically recommend course of 8 sessions, once a week.


You may opt to have multiple courses depending on the area being treated.

What is the


As this is a non-surgical treatment, there is no downtime required afterwards – you can return to work and your everyday life immediately!


You may see a couple of minor side effects such as redness, bruising and skin sensitivity but this will clear up within a few days of having treatment.



A FREE Consultation is required before having this treatment and can be booked via our website under "Body Contouring". Click Here to book.


Prices typically start From £899, however each package is tailored to the individual. 

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